Single Parents Struggling For Life…

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By Julia Tanner
As lone parents, we may experience emotions such as loneliness and isolation. The frustration of being a single parent can create stress and anxiety levels that can be harmful to you and your loved ones, left unchecked this can lead towards emotional meltdown. Use this site learns the art of survival, have your say or tell the rest of us your survival tips.
Few of us actually want to be single parent mums or dads, given the choice I am sure you would much rather be in a deep meaningful, caring relationship. And its because of this, a lot of you, are where you are today. We are encouraged to believe from infancy that we will one day fall in love, get married have kids and live happily ever after. The reality is of course quite different, and many of us are left feeling cheated, hurt, and bitterly disappointed.
Note; a solo voyage is never an easy one, your survival depends heavily on your ability to wave that goodbye to what was. This is by no means an easy task, and many will be tempted to jump ship. I take this opportunity to wish these persons a lot of luck and every success in their old life. Those of you that decide to take that plunge may well find them selves stranded or treading water and will be picked up at our next port of call. Reports of an epidemic of Cabin fever have prompted the captain to suggest all passengers walk the decks at least four times a week.
There are many things that we take for granted, and our well being is one of them, the art of self preservation is all about taking control of our emotions, and deciding for our selves what is best, and that means what’s best for you and your own, it is perhaps a tab selfish, but at this point in time it’s no bad thing. Taking on the role as a single parent also includes the taking care of yourself, this may at first seem easy but in practice it is not, no more do you get that complement, nod of approval or pat on the back. You now have no one to answer to and no one to answer you back. You now have to encourage your own confidence and question your own doubts. This is by no means an easy task and is a constant battle of will, you may well stand as one but within there are two battling the odds on shall I or shall I not, etc. Don’t be afraid to ask others their opinion on important issues, as a one sided argument will only ever gives you the answer that you want to hear, and not necessarily the right one.
Much of what we do in our every day lives, is only possible because we have mastered the art of certain social skills, like communicating, this like any of our skills is only available to us because it has been practiced, and if it has been practiced well, along comes confidence to back it up, and together they make a wining team. However, one doesn’t work very well without the other. So unless the practice is kept up sooner or later one, if not both will simply disappear.
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